My cousin has begun remodeling his house, so I thought I should show you a picture of it. If you look through the windows, you can see the guest house in which I have composed all my poems since completing the The Picky Hound series.
I thought the most interesting facet of remodeling would be the exposure of various conduits and systems, but these turn out not to be as complex as I thought they would be. They are mechanical, Newtonian, not magical. The magical surprise, to me, is the mutability of walls. They can be opened up, torn down, moved, installed. Holes can be punched in them, and then they can be patched as if there never had been a hole. My cousin replaced a door (to a little bar-room) with a wall, and opened up the wall at the back of the bar-room. The room has been reversed, without being revolved, and is now a broom closet at the back of the kitchen.
Is anyone else fascinated with walls? The walls of my guest house appear in the poem "Apples of Sodom".
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